The heart of our church community
Journeying as disciples together
Jesus invites us to step into His story. Like His first disciples, he wants to use us to impact our community with the life transforming message of His love and grace. Jesus sends us to go and make disciples of all nations, beginning with our neighbourhoods and workplaces.
Jesus is ushering in a new eternal Kingdom, saving mankind from sin and building a people for His glory – the church.
He started it all by choosing a small group of 12 men and investing His life in them. In an atmosphere of love and grace He taught them to believe Him. He demonstrated His transforming power to change people’s hearts and lives. Then He poured the Holy Spirit on them and said: Go and multiply. Go and make disciples…
Through being with Jesus the twelve became like Jesus, and began to do what he did. This is the essence of discipleship.
And just as He modelled it for us, we follow His pattern of making disciples in small groups – which we call LifeGroups.

What is a LifeGroup?
LifeGroups are groups of 6-12+ people, small enough that everyone in the group can be known. Their goal is to multiply, and once they grow beyond 10-12 we encourage them to ‘plant’ another group to keep things intimate. LifeGroups keep our church community ‘small’ even though we’re growing.
In those communities we’re learning to follow Jesus in our relationships and practices.
- Community – being friends together
- Worship – pursuing His presence together
- Maturity – we are intentional about growing together
- Ministry –serving one another in God’s love and power
- Mission – joining Jesus in loving and serving others
- Talk to someone at one of our in-person gatherings
- Talk to a LifeGroup Leader or someone you know who is already in a LifeGroup
- Go with a friend and check out their LifeGroup
- Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you
- Grow together through engaging in the Story of God
- Be disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus
- Build relationally and impact our communities
- Identify, equip, and send leaders to start new groups in other areas
- Our groups meet at the home of one of the group members
- We normally begin with a meal together
- Focus on God through worship and prayer
- Get into a Bible passage that relates to the most recent sermon and dialogue towards life application
- Pray and engage in mission